Now you have reached orange belt, you will now learn new kihon techniques and a new kata.
Kihon represents the basics or fundamentals. As an orange belt you will learn:
- Oi tsuki – stepping punch
- Jodan age uki – rising block
- Chudan soto uke – outside block
- Chudan uchi uke – inside block
- Shuto uke – knife hand block
- Mai geri – front snap kick
- Yoko geri keage – side snap kick
- Yoko geri kekomi – side thrust kick
Kumite is where you spar with a partner, you will be taught:
- Sanbon or Gohon kumite attacking with jodan oi tsuki and chudan oi tsuki.
Kata is a set of fixed moves. With each belt you will learn a new kata. For orange belt you will learn:
- Heian Shodan
Heian Shodan – Sensei Paul James
Heian Shodan – Sensei Alex Cockx
Once you have trained enough and have reached the required standard you will be able to grade to red belt.