Grading 21st August 2020

The grading at Vicars Cross last night went very well.

Pre grading training was taken by Keith Limbert and Dave Craggs with the assistance of Kim Wilkinson from Aaisatsu. It was interesting training in the rain! The grading was done inside in groups of four, Sensei Sherry was very pleased with everyone’s performance.

Congratulations to all who graded.

Westminster Park

Michele Egan-Wilkinson
Steve Carway
Josh Carway
Imogen Carway
Zach Sinclair
Paul Sinclair

Vicars Cross

Erin McKay
Alex Bordley
Issy Fabby
Donna Cockayne
Niele PeraltaBezerra
Jason Bordley

Wirral West Kirby

Emma Limbert



Westminster Park Classes

The two classes at Westminster Park worked well last night. Both were outside, but we came in for the last 15 minutes of the last class. It was strange being back in the dojo and it did seem smaller.

I will continue with the two classes,  This will allow more room when we need to go inside, plus 6:30 can be late for some youngsters. Both classes will be all grades, but the emphasis on the first class will be on the lower grades. If anyone wants to assist in teaching, please let me know, we are getting new members and it does help if I can split them off.

Starting Karate

We are starting a separate beginners class on Wednesdays 17:30 at the Community Centre.

Weather permitting this would be outside in the car park, but we can train inside if the weather is bad albeit with restrictions to keep us all safe. Classes would be for all ages, parents are welcome to train with their children.

Karate has many benefits and is suitable for people of all ages and abilities.

You can find out a lot more in our About Page.

For more information contact Dave Craggs on 07711009041 or use out Contact Page.